Smokeless fire pits have become very popular in recent years, but you may be wondering, are they worth the price? And are they really smokeless? We’ll answer those question, and explain how they work. Plus we’ll list some of the best smokeless fire pit brands, and share our favorite model.
Are smokeless fire pits really smokeless?
The short answer is yes, smokeless fire pits are actually smokeless! However, you do need to follow a few simple instructions to keep the fire smokeless. We’ll get more into that later, but the key is using the right type of wood and keeping the fire pit filled to the right level. Even then you may see a slight amount of smoke, but it’s hardly noticeable. Because of that, some brands advertise as “low smoke.”
It does take some time to get the fire burning hot enough to be truly smokeless, so you should expect some smoke in the beginning. It will also be smokey at the end of the night when the fire is burning out. Just stay a little further from the fire during those times and you won’t get hit with any smoke.
Smokeless fire pit brands
Two of the biggest names in smokeless fire pits are Solo Stove and Breeo. Let’s take a look at both of those brands.
Solo Stove
Solo Stove, based out of Texas, manufactures high-quality smokeless fire pits in a bunch of different sizes. The company started making small backpacking stoves, but eventually branched out into larger fire pits meant for backyards, patios, etc. They’re made with 304 stainless steel, which is resistant to rust. The three larger models are the Bonfire, Ranger, and Yukon.

Breeo is another American company that makes great smokeless fire pits. Breeo is based out of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, which is where the fire pits are manufactured. The X Series 19, 24, and 30 are the core models in the Breeo lineup. Also constructed with 304 stainless steel, Breeo fire pits are built for a lifetime.

Other popular brands
Tiki and Blue Sky are two other popular smokeless fire pit brands. I’ve also seen a smokeless fire pit made by Duraflame, which you may know from those fire-starting logs they sell at the grocery store. While these are all good brands, we would recommend Solo or Breeo. They seem to burn the best, plus they both have a huge line of cooking and other accessories to take your fire pit to the next level.
How do smokeless fire pits work?
Every smokeless fire pit that I’ve seen works the same way, even if the design is a little different. They all use two walls with a space in between, also called double walls. With that in mind, here’s how smokeless fire pits work:
- Air is pulled in through holes on the bottom of the fire pit, which provides the oxygen needed for the fire to burn. This is called ‘primary combustion’.
- As the fire burns hot, the double walls become very hot. This is important for the next step in the process.
- Air is pulled into a second set of holes or gaps in the bottom of the pit, and through the space between the double walls. As the air travels up through the double walls, it gets heated to a very high temperature.
- That heated air is then released through holes at the inner top of the fire pit, where it vaporizes any smoke before it can escape the fire pit. That’s referred to as ‘secondary combustion’.

It’s an interesting process. We though it deserved it’s own article, so we wrote one on how smokeless fire pits work.
The Verdict
Yes, smokeless fire pits are definitely worth the price.
The more accurate term for them would be ‘low smoke,’ because there will also be some smoke released. However it’s nowhere close to the amount of smoke released from a regular fire pit.
If you like fire pits, but hate the smoke then you definitely want a smokeless fire pit. With a smokeless fire pit, you won’t have to move your seat every time the wind changes direction. No more burning eyes or smoking out the neighborhood.
I was hesitant at first, until I saw Pit Brother John’s Breeo in action. After that I was sold, and bought my own Breeo. Now half the neighborhood has a Breeo or Solo, and we spend many nights circled around them.
We haven’t even mentioned cooking over a smokeless fire pit. The Breeo Outpost is the perfect grill for cooking all kinds of food. I cook more on my Breeo than I do with my Weber propane grill. Everything tastes better over a live fire.
What to do if your fire pit is smokey?
There is a ‘right way’ to use a smokeless fire pit. If your smokeless fire pit is putting off smoke, keep these tips in mind
- Use dried out hardwood. Seasoned or kiln-dried wood will burn much better than wood with high moisture levels.
- Make sure you add enough logs to keep the fire burning hot. This is important for that secondary combustion step we mentioned earlier.
- Don’t overfill the fire pit. If the logs are sticking above the rim, smoke will escape before it can be burned off.
For more tips, check out are article on why your Solo Stove is smokey.
Wrapping up
Hopefully we convinced you that smokeless fire pits work and are really worth it. If you’re on the fence about buying one, remember that brands like Solo Stove and Breeo are built to last a lifetime. It’ll be a one time purchase that brings family and friends together for many nights of smokeless fire.
We also have some helpful guides on where to buy a Breeo or where to buy a Solo Stove.
Thanks for reading and happy burning!
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Hi! I’m Tim and I love fire pits, especially the smokeless kind. Fire pits are perfect for gathering friends and family around. My fire pit of choice is the Breeo X Series 24.